For all you historical fiction lovers out there, I want to introduce you to a new site that I have fallen in love with.
This site is incredible! It's like a database for historical fiction in the Christian market. It's new, so you won't find a lot of books that go past two years ago, but you will find a listing of new releases and lots of books. Each title has a picture of the cover, author name, and synopsis.
The thing that is most interesting about this site, is that you can search for a title by author, time period, historical events, decade, geographical location, subject matter, character occupation, or release dates.
You can contribute by checking off whether you thought the book was interesting or not, and provide your own recommendation.
If you love historical fiction, this site is so worth checking out!
If you haven't heard yet, LifeWay is hosting another Fiction day this October. On the 21-22nd, you'll find $5 and $10 books on sale, as well a 30% off coupon.
Various LifeWay stores will feature author book-signings. To find out if a store near you will feature a book-signing, you can check out the LifeWay blog. They'll the post the information later this week.
If you haven't heard yet, LifeWay is hosting another Fiction day this October. On the 21-22nd, you'll find $5 and $10 books on sale, as well a 30% off coupon.
Thanks Holly for putting a shout out for my Index! My goal is to get about 5 years of backlog in, but as you saw I'm not quite there yet, but I'll definitely keep plugging away and always get the new releases in! Thanks for sending visitors my way!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Melissa! It's really a great idea.