Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Not Until I Read About It (Forum Discussion)

No one can tell me that settings in stories aren't important. They just may be the single most important part of novels. Something about a great setting can help define a book. With that said, a well written book can awaken a desire inside the reader to actually want to visit the setting.

I know there are plenty of places that I never dreamed of visiting until I read about them in novels. Take for instance . . . 

I never even batted an eye at the mention of the Biltmore Mansion. But after reading, Maid to Match, I'm doing everything I can to take a day trip to Asheville and tour the beautiful American castle.

Or take for instance this place. . . 

I used to truly believe Colorado had to be the most boring state in the USA. I even used to tease my sister about wanting to move out there when she grew up. Then I read Tamera Alexander's Fountain Creek Chronicles and Timber Ridge Reflections series. Now, I'm hoping to honeymoon there when I finally find the right guy who also wants to head to the Rockies. 

And last but not least, the place where I truly hope to go one day after reading this fantastic series . . .

Yes, ever since reading Liz Curtis Higgs' Lowlands of Scotland series, I have determined that I will one day explore the beautiful castles and land of Scotland. 

So, what novels have changed your perspective on an area or place and stirred a sudden desire to visit it?


  1. That's one of the things I love about reading, too! So many places that move up on my list of where I'd love to travel. Of course Scotland is way up there, due to both Liz's books and Alexander McCall Smith's series set in Edinburgh. I still would love to get to Prague after reading Bodie Thoene's Zion Chronicles series oh so many years ago. Patti Lacy's Reclaiming Lily made me curious about China. But perhaps most unusual of all is Botswana, from Alexander McCall Smith's No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series!

  2. I'm sorry for responding so late. I had actually responded earlier on my mobile, but it doesn't look like it went through.

    Thank you for commenting! Wow, it looks like you have an international list! Lol. I've never read any of Alexander McCall Smith's books, but it looks like I should.

  3. I've read alot of books set in England which is on the top of my list of places to visit. I read a book called "How Jane Austen ruined my life" by Beth Pattillo and the main character goes to England and visits all these cool places that I'd love to go see now!
    Also T.L Higley's books Petra and Pompeii were so good. I'd love to visit those ancient ruins some day.
    Fun Post!

  4. Cathy, T.L. Higley's books are actually on my "to read" list. I'm slowly working my toward them. I might end up adding more sites to my bucket list after reading them. :)


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