Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Passion 2012

It's finally here! Today, the Passion conferences released their official promotion video for the 2012 conference held at the Georgia Dome in January. 

Passion is an annual conference designed to launch a movement within Generation Y to carry the Name of Jesus to the ends of the earth and to make His Name famous. Since this conference is geared (at least right now) toward Generation Y, the age limit for attendees is 18-25. Don't let that disappoint you though. Passion always needs volunteers!--and let me tell you that Passion attendees love those volunteers and appreciate everything they do. Since this is the last year I can attend the conference, I've already decided that I'm going to volunteer every year (if within my power). 

This conference is incredible. I specifically chose to opt out of the 2010 American Christian Fiction Writers conference (as in I didn't even try to save up for it) just so I could attend Passion 2011. That came as shock to some of my friends--especially since they had to hear me lament for days over the fact I couldn't attend the ACFW 2009 conference. I probably exaggerated the "lamenting for days" part. Realistically, it was more like a month! 

Yes, Passion is that awesome. 

Here is another 45 second snippet of a different video.

If you'd like to volunteer or register, simply click on the banner. 

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